Instructor: Ed Wharton
Lessons: 12

A study of the New Testament's teaching about the church that Christ established, both in the first century and today. Topics covered include the pattern principle and the church's identity, leadership, and worship.

Instructor: Ken Wilson, PhD
Lessons: 12

This course prepares church leaders and other Christians to understand and help others. While certain mental health needs of individuals require the care of a specialist or professional, many fundamental needs can be ministered to by loving, caring, trained Christians. This course is a step in that direction.

Instructor: Gerald Paden
Lessons: 12

The eternal purpose of God is summed up in Christ and His church. Paul exalts the body of Christ and shows its honored place in the scheme of God to save and glorify His people. The church is the fruit of God's great wisdom.

Instructor: Doyle Gilliam
Lessons: 24

The book of John was written to create faith in unbelievers - faith that Jesus is the Christ and that, through that faith, eternal life could be had. This study digs deep into the text of John's gospel, including the seven signs John used to show the world that Jesus is the Son of God, and thus deity.

Instructor: Richard Rogers
Lessons: 12

This course looks at the Biblical example of leadership within the Body of Christ. Students will look in depth at the role of leaders in the Body of Christ and how this effects the health of the Body.

Course Description: 

This class will begin with an introduction of the background material on the Gospel of John and continue with a study of the entire text.  Each section will focus on the purpose of John's Gospel as stated in John 20: 30-31 and the witnesses presented to establish that purpose.

Course Objectives:

  1. To see clearly the claims of Jesus as revealed in John's Gospel.
  2. To note both the real humanity and the absolute deity of Jesus Christ.
  3. To understand the signs Jesus performed and their relationship to John's purpose and Jesus' claims. 
  4. To provide material and incentives to grow in our faith that Jesus is indeed the Christ, the Son of God.

Instructor: Gerald Paden
Lessons: 12

A focused study of the major sacrifices in the Law of Moses, centered in the book of Leviticus. Learn how these sacrifices were offered, how they related to the Jews, and how they relate to Christians today. See also how they foreshadowed the one all-sufficient sacrifice of Jesus Christ.

Instructor: Ted Stewart
Lessons: 12

The general epistles of Peter give us practical guidelines for our daily lives. Peter reveals for us the glory of our salvation and urges us on to victory, holding on to God's grace in the midst of trials and tribulations. These books are a must in our growth to maturity in His service.

Instructor: Richard Rogers
Lessons: 24

Although the prophets were speaking to the house of Israel, the concepts these books contain are relevant to our modern day world. You will be lifted high with the realization that God not only works in the lives of individuals, but also in the affairs of nations.

Instructor: Dayton Keesee
Lessons: 24

The prophecies of Jeremiah come from a heart that is ripping apart in pain for an unbelieving people. This study will show us the heart of God, His love for His people, and His justice and mercy.

Instructor: Gerald Paden
Lessons: 24

This course reveals the contrast between the old and the new in the unfolding of God's plan of revelation and redemption. Jesus is shown to be superior to angels, to Moses, to Aaron, and to Joshua. The New Covenant is shown to be superior in every way to the Old Covenant.