Section outline

    • We are providing the 12-lesson course "How to Become a New Testament Christian" by Jerry Tallman free to stream.    See links below for purchasing options from our bookstore.

      Jerry published a condensed and updated version on YouTube to share with others. Utilize this link to access the 7-lesson playlist:

      Follow along with Mark and Christine as Jerry reveals to them God's eternal plan for all mankind and how one becomes a new testament Christian.  He uses the Bible to answer their questions and to teach them the simple truths that God wants for them in their lives through Jesus.  Each lesson is between 27-30 minutes long and is designed for the open-hearted truth seeker.

    • To view the list of lessons in the playlist, click the playlist menu icon  in the upper right corner of the video below. 

      Lesson 1: Foundation for Christianity

      Lesson 7: Conversions in the Book of Acts

      Lesson 2: God's Eternal Plan

      Lesson 8: Recipe for Faithfulness

      Lesson 3: Jesus, The Son of God

      Lesson 9: The Changed Life of the Christian

      Lesson 4: The Sin Problem and God's Solution

      Lesson 10: The Church in the New Testament

      Lesson 5: Surrendering to God's Love

      Lesson 11: Growing Through Suffering

      Lesson 6: Responding to God's Love

      Lesson 12: A Summary of the Facts
    • If you have any further questions regarding God's eternal plan for you or would like more information, please email us at  We would love to hear from you and be able to serve you in whatever way we can.